Commonly POTS or VoIP, required for inbound and outbound call legs.

Outbound Core Elements:
- Destination pattern (digit matching)
- Port (POTS DP) e.g. 0/1/0
- or session target ipv4/6:x.x.x.x (VoIP destination)

Example POTS dial-peer for FXS port 0/2/0 with ext. 4444

dial-peer voice 4444 pots
description DP FXS Ext 4444 Reception
destination-pattern 4444
port 0/2/0

Example VoIP dial-peer for extensions. 5555 and 5556 over WAN to router with loopback

dial-peer voice 100 voip
description DP VoIP SiteA Ext. 555[5-6]
destination-pattern 555[5-6]
session target ipv4: